
וּכְשֶׁהָלַכְנוּ בַּנִּקְבָּה
לֹא הִרְהַרְתִּי בַּשָּׁמַיִם.
נָשָׁאתִי בְּיָדִי
אֶת הַנֵּר שֶׁהוֹצֵאתִי מֵחֻבִּי
וְהֵם לֹא יָדְעוּ
שֶׁדּוֹרְכִים הֵמָּה בָּחֹשֶׁךְ
כִּי לֹא הִכִּירוּ אֶת הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ
וָאֲנִי הָיִיתִי לָהֶם לְאוֹר
וְכָּל הַחֹשֶׁךְ שֶׁבָּעוֹלָם
לֹא יָכֹל לְכַבּוֹת
אוֹר שֶׁל נֵר אֶחָד

© L.S.Bernstein

And as we walked in the tunnel
I did not think about the sky.
I was carrying a candle
That I had wrought out from myself
And they did not know
That they were treading darkness
`Cause they were strangers to the sun
And I was their light
And all the darkness in the world
Could not extinguish the light
Of one small candle.