When the sun is strong and the light is clear, the mood is set for muddling the truth.
It is a matter of personnal choice - some might view the background, company and good food as an invitation for another venue of entertainment. For me, a coffee house by the river with my friends is exactly the place and time to sdismantle reality, and reconstruct something just a bit more full of wonder.
Also, their strawberry smoothie was awful.
It's a slow process, but it's fun. I take every part of the scenery - buildings, trees, the river - and break it down to its elementary particles. The ensuing mess is drenched with the energy from the sun and my drink, and then it's only a matter of creating something new for the scenery.
I spent an hour or two up to my knees in primal colors and basic shapes, fueled by sheer sunlight. The background changed - everything was different, except for my friends and my viewpoint.
When I moved it around, to view my new surroundings, I overheard my friends' conversation. They didn't notice a thing - I may be splattered with the remnants of my work, but for them, it all happened in the background.